Word Nerd Printables
Disciple Disciples?
What does it mean to, “Go therefore and make disciples?” (Matthew 28:19). Literally it says disciple disciples. How do we do that? I always homeschooled my kids with the idea that I was ultimately working myself out of a job. If we are called to make disciples, shouldn’t that be our goal as we study the Word? I am in the process of creating worksheets and templates (like the one you see on the right) to help organize the study of Scriptures, and ultimately, work myself out of a job. Feel free to click on the image or the link below and download the blank worksheet as a Scripture study aid. Word Nerd Worksheet
Writing Scripture
If worksheets aren’t your thing, writing Scripture in a nice notebook or journal might be helpful. The worksheets can just as easily be used as a template. That’s actually why I created them in the first place. I was teaching a zoom class and mentioned my journaling. But, how do you teach journaling? We live in an instant gratification society. We want what we want when we want it… and we want it now! Especially because everything is at our fingertips, I like to step away from the madness and slow down to connect to The Word. Using the worksheets as templates allows me to share how I process Scripture. After I have several sheets completed, I can then step away from the computer and other distractions and begin to process in my journal all that I gathered. Writing (and rewriting) verses by hand allows the time necessary to process what I am reading and learning. It also allows for greater interaction and questions. I often add thoughts and prayers in my journal as I meditate and pray over the passage.
Dwell on These Things
Another way I like to process Scripture is to “map” out the words and define them with a Bible app, like Blue Letter Bible. I trace the word back to its root verb and also its first mention in Scripture. One should also trace the progressive mention all throughout the Bible to arrive at a complete mention of the word and greater context. But if time is limited, first mention is often key as it sets the tone or “seed” for that word. These basic techniques help with context and arriving at the correct meaning. The word nerd worksheet at the top is also a helpful tool to use in conjunction with mapping and journaling to keep the words and verses straight. I will show more examples as I continue to share with you.
Feel free to download the PDF templates to use and organize your journals. I am in the process of creating many more!