Our friend that has become family, Red Door Doc, has been painting a weekly “message from the LORD” for over four years now. We eagerly look forward to what each week brings. He prefers to remain anonymous, as he says this is the work of The Holy Spirit, and he is merely using his gifts and talents for the LORD.

He graciously granted permission to post them here each week for others to ponder and enjoy. So, I leave you to it.

“Terror and pit and snare Confront you, O inhabitant of the earth. Then it will be that he who flees the report of disaster will fall into the pit, And he who climbs out of the pit will be caught in the snare; For the windows above are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake. The earth is broken asunder, The earth is split through, The earth is shaken violently. The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard And it totters like a shack, For its transgression is heavy upon it, And it will fall, never to rise again. So it will happen in that day, That the LORD will punish the host of heaven on high, And the kings of the earth on earth. They will be gathered together Like prisoners in the dungeon, And will be confined in prison; And after many days they will be punished. Then the moon will be abashed and the sun ashamed, For the LORD of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, And His glory will be before His elders.”  

Isaiah 24:17-23 NASB95





Open Heaven


Host of Angels