Leaf Falls

Our friend that has become family, Red Door Doc, has been painting a weekly “message from the LORD” for over four years now. We eagerly look forward to what each week brings. He prefers to remain anonymous, as he says this is the work of The Holy Spirit, and he is merely using his gifts and talents for the LORD.

He graciously granted permission to post them here each week for others to ponder and enjoy. So, I leave you to it.

“Draw near, O nations, to hear; and listen, O peoples! Let the earth and all it contains hear, and the world and all that springs from it. For the LORD'S indignation is against all the nations, And His wrath against all their armies; He has utterly destroyed them, He has given them over to slaughter. So their slain will be thrown out, And their corpses will give off their stench, And the mountains will be drenched with their blood. And all the host of heaven will wear away, And the sky will be rolled up like a scroll; All their hosts will also wither away As a leaf withers from the vine, Or as one withers from the fig tree.”

- Isaiah 34:1-4 NASB95




Good and Evil


The Word